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HAY FEVER…. Taking the “Fever” out of Hay Days

Updated: Nov 10, 2021

It’s that time of year again! The weather is finally getting warmer and the fields and gardens are abundant with lush flowers and vegetation. But all this warmth and beauty comes with a sting-in-the-tail for many of us prone to allergies, causing the advent of the dreaded Hay-Fever season which can take the joy out of these warm summer days. Hay Fever or allergic rhinitis is characterized by inflammation within the mucosa and submucosa causing some very uncomfortable symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a scratchy throat.

To really address allergies you need a multi-faceted approach that includes optimising your diet, intestinal health, and vitamin D levels. An estimated 80 percent of your immune system is located in your gut, so supporting your digestive health is essential to supporting your immune system, which is your primary defence system against all disease. Common reason for an overactive immune system are food intolerances, gut bacteria imbalances and "leaky gut" syndrome which can damage the cells that make up the membrane lining the intestinal wall, allowing substances to pass through that belong in the digestive tract, resulting in an increase in inflammation, activating Mast cells in the gut lining and an increased workload on the immune system.

If we aim to reduce the exposure to potential allergens that increased to load of the hisatmine bucket it can improve the symptoms. Diet can play a major role here and potential triggers could be alcohol, caffeine, dairy, wheat, peanuts, sugar, processed foods and shellfish.

There are also dietary changes we can make to help reduce symtpoms and feel better. It is important to eat a nutrient dense diet during any time of challenge to the immune system

strengthening your immune system. Try some of the suggestions below and see if it helps you:

1. Raw local honey works to relieve symptoms because it contains local pollen that causes your allergies and helps the immune system deal with it better. Taken each day can relieve itchy, watery eyes, runny nose and the general symptoms of hay fever.

2. Hot and spicy foods help thin the mucus and allow it to be more easily eliminated. Try adding garlic, onion, horseradish, ginger, chilli, cinnamon and cayenne pepper to your meals.

3. Curcumin found in turmeric helps reduce mucosal inflammation, stabilise mast cells, inhibit histamine release, balance the immune response and can reduce symptoms like sneezing, itching, runny nose, and congestion.

4. Drink plenty of water aiming for 2-3 litres per day.

5. Bone broth from chicken, beef or lamb helps ease respiratory problems and expel excess mucus.

6. Probiotic-rich foods support a healthy gut, improve digestion. Examples include kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha and yogurt.

7. Optimizing your vitamin D levels is absolutely crucial to immune health. Get 20 to 30 minutes exposure to good sunshine per day when possible and supplement with a good Vitamin D plus K2 supplement if necessary

8. Apple cider vinegar supports a healthy gut and helps break up mucus and support lymphatic drainage. Three times per day, mix one tablespoon with one tablespoon of fresh-squeezed lemon juice and a half-tablespoon of local raw honey, and drink it

9. Fresh, organic vegetables and fruit have multiple benefits. Quercetin a plant flavonoid and antioxidant which helps prevent histamine release—so has "natural antihistamine” properties. It is found in Swiss Chard, onions, especially red onions, aubergine, celery, asparagus and fruits such as berries, apples, red grapes and oranges, nuts, and tea.

High vitamin A- rich dark green, yellow or orange vegetables and fruit such as cabbage, beetroot, carrots and sweet potato are highly beneficial during allergy season

10. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain as well as high levels of vitamins B, and C, which can help reduce your reaction to allergens. Soak the core of fresh, ripe pineapple in water, and drink, as the core has the highest concentration of bromelain and other essential nutrients

If you need more personalised approach, contact us on and we will get you sorted and sniffle free!

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